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Nexa reality antique

Nexa Reality Antique

Director Name

Nexa reality antique

12 years experience

Nexa reality is an international supplier of enrichment services and fuel cycle products for the civil nuclear industry, serving utility customers worldwide who provide low carbon electricity through nuclear generation. Our purpose, vision, mission and values drive our strategic objectives and determine the culture of our organisation.

Nexa reality Nuclear Stewardship have a leading role in providing responsible stewardship of nuclear materials through waste management, long term storage and decommissioning services. Our workforce has demonstrable experience of providing end-of-lifecycle management solutions for the nuclear industry, developed through many years of decommissioning around the world nuclear legacies on the Capenhurst Nuclear Licensed Site, and through the ongoing operational waste management for our sister companies.

Happy Clients


Year Experience


Complete Project




our value

What are our value

We are proud of keeping our people, the community and the environment safe and secure from harm and maintaining the reputation of our industry, products and services.


We are honest, fair and respectful in how we conduct our business.


We entrust our people to develop and support our leading role in the industry by being accountable, inclusive, collaborative and effective communicators


Our Purpose

Through the use of our technology and expertise, we have a duty to help ensure everyone has the nuclear power is an essential part of the energy to succeed.

Our Vision

To be a trusted leader in meeting the world’s demand for sustainable energy.

Our Mission

Through the expertise of our people, our technology and our portfolio of products and services, we play an essential role in delivering the energy to succeed.


Director Name

Uday Pratap Singh
Ashok Singh

Basic Information

NEXA REALITY ANTIQUE is committed to procuring some of the world’s most “strangest” things, either for R&D or simply because we know a few people who are willing to pay a huge price for it outside India.


  • Paid Up Capital
  • Reserves @ Surplus
  • Long term Borrowings
  • Short Term Borrowings
  • Trade Payables
  • Current Investment

Our purpose, vision, mission and values drive our strategic objectives and determine the culture of our organisation.

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Nexa reality Nuclear Stewardship have a leading role in providing responsible stewardship of nuclear materials through waste management, long term storage and decommissioning services

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